PLUS №1-2 (309-310), 2024

- The morning of 2024. Cross-border, logistics, tenders in dollars and “dumping import substitution”?
- We invite you to the PLUS-Forums to be held in 2024!
- International PLUS-Forum “Digital Kyrgyzstan” – the number of speakers continues its growth!
- Organizational redesign of a large foreign bank. Part 2.
- Assisted self-service terminals help banks optimize their branch networks
- How modern customers influence the banking business. Findings of the Customer Experience Index Study in Armenia
- Technological rating of Armenian banks
- Restoring a face image from its biometric vector, or How to put the toothpaste back in the tube?
- Money laundering risks in the payments sector
- Bank’s general ledger on a digital platform. A “conservative”, ready for reasonable changes
- Prepaid cards. Legal regulation in retrospect
- We’ve been here for you for 30 years!
- Main trends in the payment market 2023–2024. View of the UNITED TsUPIS